Our Approach — Optimal Health Center

Click here or call us for a free 15 minute consultation 913-888-3338


How are we different?


We have a lot of tools…

We have more approaches to help you achieve Optimal Health than any other practice in the city. We do not treat every patient the same way. Our approach is tailored to your goals, what your body tells us in the exam and your health history. Click here for a deeper dive into our tool box.


We focus on improving your mobility. Why? Because your body craves mobility! Mobility in your hips allows you to bend over. Mobility in your mid back saves you from neck and low back pain. Mobility keeps you active; walking, jogging, lifting weights, yard work all require mobility. Click here for deeper dive into what we do to assess and improve your mobility.


The saying goes “You are what you eat.” Well what does it mean when you truly do eat healthy and your body is still not feeling well? Click here for a deeper dive into our approach to nutrition.